Project ManagemenT SYDNEY
Aspect offers experienced professional services to home owners, investors and developers to ensure the success of their projects in a timely and cost effective manner. The service means you can spend more time on your business and less time worrying about the construction process.
scope of works Stage 1
Obtain a design brief and other statutory requirements including detailed Survey, Sewer Diagram, Covenants and Restrictions on Title to be provided by the Client.
Provide recommendations as required for fees and for the appointment of consultants.
Arrange, attend and record client meetings as agreed.
Inspect the site and assess site conditions and constraints.
Undertake preliminary analysis of authority regulations and requirements.
Concept Design
Arrange and attend meetings with authorities, consultants and others.
Arrange, attend and record client meetings as agreed.
Prepare concept drawings including sketches, diagrams and other information to adequately explain the design in relation to the site and planning obligations, fire zones and BASIX/NATHERS compliance considerations.
Prepare design briefs for external consultants.
Obtain the client's approval to proceed with the Development Application Documentation Stage.
scope of works for Stage 2
Town Planning & Development Approval Application Services
Prepare the necessary drawings and other documents for planning application.
Prepare and lodge planning application in conjunction with our preferred Town Planner.
Prepare detailed site analysis and streetscape drawings to local authority requirements.
Prepare detailed shadow diagrams to local authority requirements.
Co-ordination of planning consultant and other specialist advisors as required for planning application and incorporate their reports in the DA Documentation.
Prepare any design intent statements as required (excl. S.E.E.) in support of and to justify the application.
scope of works for Stage 3
Construction Documentation
Prepare recommendation to the client on the preferred method of contractor selection and the relevant documentation to be completed.
Arrange, attend and record meetings with the client, authorities, other consultants and other relevant parties as agreed.
Prepare fully dimensioned drawings at an appropriate scale including plans, elevations and sections to enable the project to obtain Construction Certificate and Tenders.
Co-ordinate and integrate the work of consultants with the Architectural drawings.
Provide a basic standard specification describing the quality of materials, finishes and workmanship necessary to complete the project in accordance with the Australian Standards and National Construction Code.
Submit documents for certification/building approval to the building surveyor/certifier.
Co-ordinate the cost consultant in the preparation of a pre-tender estimate of the Cost of Works if requested by the client.
Obtain the client's approval of all construction documents.
Obtain the client’s approval to proceed with the Tender and selection of a Contractor.
scope of works for Stage 4
Prepare list of prospective tenderers for approval by client.
Prepare Tender documents and issue to all Tenderers.
Respond to enquiries from Tenderers.
Close and assess the Tenders.
Negotiate with the preferred Tenderer if required to obtain an offer acceptable to client.
Prepare report and recommendation of Tenderer’s offer for acceptance by client.
Prepare the Contract Documents and arrange for the signing and execution of the contract documents by both parties.
Contract Administration
Undertake periodic site inspections, check work in progress regarding design quality control, materials selections and performance as described in the contract documents.
Review shop drawings and other submissions by builder/contractor.
Provide builder/contractor with supplementary details and information.
Provide builder/contractor with instructions to clarify the contract documents where required.
Administer variations and obtain client approvals.
Provide the client with regular reports regarding time, cost and progress of the works.
Assess builder/contractor’s progress claims and approve contractors progress claims.
Assess builder/contractor’s claims for extensions of time.
Adjust prime cost and provisional sums and other monetary sums included in the contract documents.
Co-ordinate the construction services provided by consultants and their administration of specialised sub contract work associated with the works.
Assess the state of the works and prepare defects lists prior to practical completion.
Issue instructions to the builder/contractor for work required to achieve practical completion including rectification of any defects.
Inspect rectification of defects and issue notice of practical completion.
Assess the final contract account.
Advise the client of the procedure for the rectification of any defective work during the Defects Liability Period or by others.
Inspect the works to ensure all defects are rectified and works under the contract are complete.
Organise the Contractor to Issue the Interim or Final Occupancy Certificate as appropriate.
Specialising in luxury residential design and project management with a unique approach to all of our projects.